Head Start California Health Institute: KHSA Members Receive a $50 Discount

Are you ready to discover a new path to wellness?  Use code 2023State to get $50 off the regular price and register now for the Head Start California Health Institute, a three-day, in-person conference that focuses on all thing’s health! This year’s event will be held in Santa Rosa, CA, amidst the beautiful Sonoma Wine Country on November 6-8, 2023.

The Health Institute provides training for early learning professionals who work with families in all aspects of health, including physical and mental well-being. This unique conference has been a signature event for over a decade. Learn best practices and the recommended tools to provide effective and safe services to children and families. Attendees will participate in three keynote sessions, over 20 workshops, dedicated time to visit community resource tables, a networking reception, and more!

Plus, Kansas Head Start Association Members Receive $50 off the registration price using code: 2023State

Learn more and register>>

Use code 2023State to get $50 off the $825 registration price!