KHSA would like to thank our two outgoing board members who have tirelessly served for the past four years helping to shape and manage the association. On the left, Shelby Hubert, NKESC Head Start and Early Head Start Director. On the right, Sandra Halling, a 24-year veteran of Bright Beginnings Early Childhood Center. We are so grateful for these two board members and will miss them; although, as Sandra puts it below, "It's not a goodbye." We look forward to continuing to work with both these wonderful women into the future! Thank you!
Note from Shelby:
Serving on the KHSA board has given me a deeper appreciation for the behind-the-scenes work of the executive director and her team and a better understanding of the statewide organization overall. I have also made important contacts with people who work to make positive change for Kansas families. Thanks for the opportunity.
Note from Sandra:
For me, being on the board served as a reminder that there are many, many great people in Kansas that care about kids and families and Early Childhood! And, they want to help further the importance of the role of advocacy and leadership for the greater good so that we can truly meet the needs of kids and their families. It has been an honor to serve with the KHSA board. I will always continue to advocate for children and their families. I thank KHSA for the opportunity to serve! It’s not a good bye, it’s more like “See you around.”