Heartland RADAC Substance Use Training
This six part training focuses on background and strategies for working with parents and families to address substance use concerns.
The training is provided by Sara Jackson, Clinical Director, Heartland RADAC This training is made possible by a grant from the National Center for Early Childhood Health and Wellness.
Session 1 Difficult Conversations
Session 2 Accessing Treatment
Session 3 After Care Support
Session 4 Law Enforcement - Crisis Intervention Teams
Session 5 Recovery Coaching (Peer Support)
Session 6 Working With Families Experiencing Substance Use
Session 1 Difficult Conversations: Session 1 of a 6-part webinar series on working with parents around substance use concerns.
Session 2 Accessing Treatment: Session 2 of a 6-part webinar series on working with parents around substance use concerns. Sara Jackson, Heartland RADAC Clinical Director, discusses treatment resources, funding and the substance use assessment process.
Session 3 Effective Support for After Care: Session 3 of a 6-part webinar series on working with parents around substance use concerns.
Session 4 Law Enforcement - Crisis Intervention Teams: Session 4 of a 6-part webinar series on working with parents around substance use concerns.
Session 5 Recovery Coaching/Peer Support with Gordon Smith: Session 5 of a 6-part webinar series on working with parents around substance use concerns.
Session 6 Working With Families Experiencing Substance Use: Session 6 of a 6-part webinar series on working with parents around substance use concerns. Due to an issue with screen sharing, please find the Powerpoint presentation for this video here.