KHSA Newsletter for February 10, 2023
KHSA Newsletter for February 3, 2023
Childcare and Early Education Advocacy Day at the Kansas Capitol
Childcare and Early Education Advocacy Day at the Kansas Capitol
Connect, Learn, and Make a Difference!
Wednesday, March 1, 2023, 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM (Check-in begins at 9:00 AM)
*Connect with elected officials, families, and professionals to advocate for safe, quality childcare and early education opportunities for every Kansas kid.
*Learn more about how public policy has an impact on childcare and early education programs.
*Make a difference by sharing your experiences with lawmakers.
Check-in begins at 9:00 AM; Programs start at 10:00 AM. Lunch is provided.
KHSA Newsletter for January 27, 2023
KHSA Newsletter for January 20, 2023
KHSA Newsletter for January 13, 2023
January EHS/HS APM and Networks Meeting Registration is Open!
Registration is Open
Thursday, January 19, 2023: APM/Director Network with three Network Meetings: Coaches, Behavioral Health & Disabilities, and Home Visitors Networks.
In addition to our usual information sharing and networking, we are excited to welcome Rebecca Lewis-Pankratz from ESSDACK as our Keynote Speaker presenting "Poverty, Toxic-stress, and the Science of Resilience."
Register today>>
Cost of registration is $25, which covers lunch and all day coffee/tea/soft drinks
A big thank you to our Corporate Partners! Many will be with us at APM, so please stop by their information tables and say hello!
KHSA Newsletter for January 6, 2023
Happy Holidays from KHSA
Sending wishes to you and yours for a beautiful Holiday Season and a peaceful New Year!