Register Now for our In-Person APM and Director, Health Manager, and Education Coordinator Networks
Registration is now open for the September 22, 2022 APM Meeting; with Director, Health Manager and Education Coordinator Networks.
In addition to our usual information sharing and networking, we are excited to welcome Tabatha Rosproy, National Teacher of the Year 2020, who will be giving our Keynote Presentation!
Updates from various Kansas Partners
KHSA Updates from KHSA Executive Director, Jennifer Adhima
Keynote Presentation: Finding Joy Through Connection, from Tabatha Rosproy, 2020 National Teacher of the Year
Lunch and Catching up with Colleagues from across the State
Network Group Meetings to discuss position-specific challenges
Door Prize Drawings!
A big thank you to our Corporate Partners! Many will be with us at APM, so please stop by their information tables and say hello!