Q-CIT Observational Certification Training Announcement

Q-CIT Training Announcement

KHSA is pleased to announce that we will partner again with Katie Ingham, Early Childhood Specialist and Bethanie Grass, Early Childhood Specialist of Region VII T/TA to provide another Quality of Caregiver–Child Interactions for Infants and Toddlers Observational Certification Training.

The training will be held: November 7 - 11, 2022 8:30 – 5:30 (CST) via Zoom

The cost is: $740.00, which includes training, print and electronic materials, and certification testing.

Registration deadline is: October 6, but there are only 17 spaces available and previous trainings have filled quickly, so don't delay!

Register here>>

Family Wellness Toolkit--Registration Ends August 31

Gift your families wellness resources that meet Head Start standards.

Are your Head Start and Early Head Start families feeling overwhelmed and stressed? Generation Wellness has created a Family Wellness Toolkit designed especially for your families!

In a two-hour set of modules, the Family Wellness Toolkit has an online course and activities for parents, activities for children, 10 different guided-audio relaxation modules parents may play at home, and more on-demand content.

Pricing starts at $599/year for programs serving up to 200 families.

Also, when you purchase the Family Wellness Toolkit, you will have the opportunity to purchase the Workplace Wellness Toolkit for 50% off for for all staff in your program. Only two weeks left to register!

#HeadStartFamilies #FamilyWellnessToolkit #StressLess #FamilyWellness
#MentalHealth #HeadStartWellBeing #KHSA#GenerationWellness

Learn more>>

Teeth for Two is Back!

Teeth for Two is Back!

Oral Health Kansas is once again offering full day in-person oral health workshops for home visitors and other health educators.

Workshops are scheduled for:

August 18th in Paola

September 15th in Hutchinson

There is still some space available! Registration is free. Every participant will receive the newly revised Teeth for Two Oral Health Resource Guide along with a flash drive full of printable handouts and links to oral health videos for families.

Family Wellness Toolkit

With stress, trauma, and overwhelm on the rise, there is no greater time to invest in family wellness. Ongoing lockdowns, social isolation, and constant change have contributed to a nationwide mental health crisis that needs to be addressed.

Head Start Kansas and Generation Wellness have partnered to offer on-demand online platform that give your families the support they need to build resilience and increase overall well-being through on-demand videos and resources. All families are invited to access a self-paced two-hour online course that provides Head Start children and parents 20+ activities and strategies for less stress and more success.

Purchasing the toolkit grants your families free access to all content for one year!

Register now for the Family Wellness Toolkit for 20% off until July 31st:
